Italians Do It Better

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sunday Night Movie Review

A weekend full of drinking certainly deserves a day of rest, and that's exactly what I had today. All it takes is a trip to Best Buy and the purchase of three new movies: Napoleon Dynamite, My Own Private Idaho, and The Girl Next Door. The decision to purchase these movies today was based on rave reviews by numerous people about Napoleon Dynamite. As it so happens, Best Buy had a special deal to purchase Napoleon Dynamite and The Girl Next Door for only $5.00 more than the given price of Napoleon Dynamite. I didn't really have the urge to watch The Girl Next Door, however a very enthusiastic Best Buy employee convinced me that it was worth it for $5.00. Finally, My Own Private Idaho was a random purchase, which I've been thinking about for awhile. Come on now, Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix as male prostitutes. It certainly intrigued me. Anyway, my lazy ass watched all 3 movies today, so here's what I thought:

Napoleon Dynamite was the first feature film due to the numerous rave reviews, and I'm sad to say that I wasn't that impressed with this film. I wouldn't say that it was a bad movie. It certainly had its moments with some very interesting characters, which I really liked LaFawnDuh. However, I just didn't think that it was as hilarious as everyone made it out to be. Perhaps my expectations were way too high. I also had the slightly hungover and half asleep mindset when I was watching it. Perhaps I'll have to give it another try when I'm in better health. Some cheese wouldn't hurt the situation either. :)

My Own Private Idaho came next, and again I wasn't really feeling this one either. Again, my expectations were very high, because I wanted to see Keanu and River get it on, which didn't happen...well...not really. There was one scene with them and some other actor, who I swear was a Von Trap, however it was a series of still photos of the men in different positions. I must say that I haven't seen anything like it before, so I certainly give it props for its uniqueness. I guess that the story wasn't too bad...a little depressing, which could have been a result of my physical and emotional stability today.

Finally, I tried to cheer myself up with the teeny bopper film, The Girl Next Door, and I must say that it was actually a cute movie. The storyline had a lot more going on than I expected. Besides the whole porn aspect, love prevailed, which was quite refreshing after the drama from My Own Private Idaho. The scenes which the main character was tricked into taking some E and his behavior that followed were rather humorous, because he had to give a very important speech that would decide if he would get the scholarship that would allow him to go to his dream college, Georgetown. I'm not going to tell you the outcome. You'll just have to check it out some day.


  • At 11:37 PM, Blogger Anne said…

    Napolean Dynamite is one of the weird cult classic type of films. Like Doom Generation. Mark saw it once, and says he doesn't want to see it again, yet quotes it all the time.

  • At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 3:19 AM, Blogger Michela said…

    Can I ask why "italians do it better" is from US? :)


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