Italians Do It Better

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mary's Bachelorette Party

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A picture is definitely worth a thousand words in this case. Mary's Bachelorette Party was lots of fun. It was great to see all my girls again. It's too bad that we all can't live in the same town. Oh well. If they're not moving out of Warren, then I'll just have to see them when I can, because I'm not moving back there. Oh well...absinthe...i mean...absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Hardy Boy #1 Notes:

1. If you are going to be the only male at a bachelorette party (gay or straight), you might not want to bring a leather S & M whip with you. Multiple heart shaped bruises on your ass can be rather tender the next morning.

2. Giant Blow-Up Penises are always good for a laugh or two.

3. Penis Ring Toss is not an easy game for sober people...let alone us drunks!

4. Pin the Penis on the Hot Guy is SO much better than pin the tail on the donkey.

5. The More Penises...The "Mary"er everyone will be.

6. A Fake Penis Prop can be used for so many things, not to mention loads of incriminating pictures.

7. Blue Jello is Da' Bomb! You'd think that Jello Shots would suffice, but wait until you have a whole plastic container of Blue Jello and a Plastic Penis Spoon. Who needs to eat food?

8. Dickface glasses and two decks of naked men can make a splendid game of Asshole...aka "Dickface" for the Bachelorette Party. (It can be rather distracting though...gotta love that Jack Of Diamonds!!!)

9. Even though one wasn't present, I think that a Gay Stripper should have attended the party. That way...the Bride-To-Be wouldn't have been tempted, and I would have had something to play with.

10. Party Guests are too remain until the next morning. Leaving when you finally reached that level of FUBAR just isn't right. If you're going to party, then you should fucking party! That's my motto, anyway.

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  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger ItaliansDoItBetter said…

    Hell yeah! That shit was da bomb!

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