Italians Do It Better

Thursday, December 02, 2004

"Birdcage" Mystery Solved

Nancy Drew,

Hardy Boy #1 reporting in for duty. I am sorry to say that I am late on my recent findings about the "birdcage". However, I guess that my "stealth" is better than I thought that it would be. The day after I posted my "birdcage" mystery, Mr. Dustin arrived home at the same time that I pulled in to our lot. I inquired about the bircage, which I found out that it actually did belong to him. He said that it got knocked down, and that he could it up if it bothered me. I didn't really care if he had his stuff laying back there, but it's strange when it's an old cheap ass birdcage with a plastic butterfly...what are you supposed to think?

Hardy Boy #1


  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger ItaliansDoItBetter said…

    You still have time, Nancy. The birdcage is still laying out back in the mud. It appears to be missing that extra crap, but I believe that the butterfly is still there. Perhaps, Mr. Dustin had a bird that died, and he went crazy and replaced it with the butterfly, because he couldn't let go of his grief.


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