Italians Do It Better

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Jade...My Future Husband

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Las Vegas 2005

My trip to Las Vegas (#2) with April, Dana, and Chad was lots of fun. We also met up with April's family, which included her mom, Kathy, her boyfriend, Fred, April's sisters, Kara and Krista, Krista's boyfriend, Michael, and April's friends, Krista and Duke. I was surprised that we were able to coordinate dinner and other such events with such a big group, but everything seemed to go just fine.

For our first night in Vegas, we all went to Coyote Ugly for April's 30th birthday celebration. Coyote Ugly is in New York, New York, which was right next to our hotel, Monte Carlo. We had to pay $10.00 cover to get in, which wasn't too bad, however we were all worried when we saw how small it was inside. Everyone seemed to be packed in there, so there wasn't much room to get around. We kept getting yelled at by the bouncers to get away from the bar edge, so the Coyotes could get up there to dance, but we really didn't have a choice at times. It was a total girl power bar where all women could dance on the bar and get free shots. The men had to work it for the shots and show a little respect. Not that these are bad qualities for a bar, however I wanted to dance on the bar too! It wasn't going to happen, so I decided to get drunk. The drinks and shots were sorta pricey, but they were definitely worth it. Later on, I had the Coyotes pouring multiple shots down April's throat for her birthday. I even got a few for myself after I worked it a little for the Coyote with the bottle. :) Things were going well, until Kara and I took a trip to the Men's Room to find the nearest water source. Unfortunately, the water made her sick on our way back to the bar, so we had to haul ass to the women's restroom. We just walked into the bathroom when Kara threw up all over the floor. Then some woman who worked there yelled at me to get out. Luckily, I found Dana and the other girls to help out Kara. After awhile, we left New York, New York and headed back to Monte Carlo. Dana, Chad, and I stayed up till 5:00 am Vegas time, which Chad won a good chunk of change on a 25 cent slot machine, while my drunk ass got to the point at the Craps table when everyone bet against me that I would lose...that's when I decided to call it a night.

The next morning, we managed to move our hungover asses to Denny's of all places. I was at the touch and go stage where the food was either going to help me out or make me sick. Luckily, my $6.99 breakfast at Denny's made me feel a lot better. I highly recommend it. I can't remember what it was called, but I got Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, and Eggs with Green Peppers and Onions...basically everything and anything that you could eat for breakfast. Yum! Unfortunately, Dana and April didn't take too well to our Denny's breakfast, so they went back to the room to nap. Chad and I had a good time walking up the strip to check out the Bellagio, Caesar's Palace, and other surrounding hotels \ casinos. The weather for the entire trip was perfect, so I walked a lot. Later that night, we went Downtown on Fremont Street to gamble and have dinner at the Pasta Pirate, which was in the California hotel if I remember correctly. I was a little worried about the name, but Fred highly recommended it. The food wasn't too bad, but you could hear a pin drop in that restaurant. It made me forget that we were still in Vegas. Anyway, Kara and I gave gambling another shot Downtown, however we couldn't even sit at the tables for 10 minutes before we lost our money. Everybody else was gambling at the Golden Nugget, so we decided to walk around and drink some margaritas. We had a good time collecting beads and playing slots down by the Bayou. :)

On Friday, we walked up the strip to the Venetian, which we checked out Paris and Bally's on the way. Then we all took a cab to the Palms to gamble there for awhile. Once again, Kara and I didn't win shit, so we went to the foolproof "Get Drunk" plan. It works everytime! :) Then everyone went back to the Monte Carlo, which everyone went their separate ways. Kara and I didn't want to be stuck in our hotel, so we walked up the strip again to retrieve the free picture with Elvis that Kathy had taken earlier that day. On our way back, April, Dana, and Chad met up with us, which we went into Bally's to find the Monorail. We got sidetracked with the $3.50 margaritas during Happy Hour at Tequila Joe's, which were really, really good! Eventually we ate at the restaurant next door to sober up a little, since it was still early and I had plans to go out that night. Everybody else decided that they didn't want to hit the club scene, since we had to get up the next morning to check out. Luckily for me, Kara was still ready to hit the town with me.

Before I left for Vegas, I decided to find out where I could hit up some gay clubs. I found a bar called the Eagle, which advertised Underwear night on Wednesdays and Fridays. I thought that it was on Tropicana, so we took a cab that drove us a good distance away from the strip. We didn't see the Eagle at the address that I had, but there was a bar called Good Times, which was also on my list of possible places to check out. It looked a little dead, but we decided to check it out anyway, since we paid to get all the way out in BFE. The inside of the bar wasn't too bad, but there was hardly anybody in there for a Friday night. The bartender told us that Monday nights are their happening nights, so that's something to remember for next time perhaps. As luck would have it, we met a couple named Todd and Barney. They were very nice, and gave us the run down on the gay scene in Vegas. From what they told us, the Eagle wasn't the place to go, unless you were really into leather. Also, Underwear night produced only a few guys in their britches, so there wasn't too much to miss there. Then they said that there was a club called Gypsy, which was fun to dance and see some Go-Go boys. They also said that there were two other gay bars right next to the Gypsy, so we could have checked they all out if need be. Next time, I think that I would like to check them out. As a mental note, they were located right next to the Sausage Haus, which we ate there on our last trip to Vegas. It's right by the Hard Rock, which isn't that far from the strip. I'm not sure about the walking factor, because we drove there last time, but a cab shouldn't cost that much.

Anyway, for the highlight of my trip, Todd and Barney turned out to be very nice guys. They were heading out to a club called Krave, so they invited us along for the ride. As it turns out, Krave is an "alternative" (aka gay) club on the strip, which was only a block or so away from the Monte Carlo. We had to pay $20 to get in, but it was money well spent!!! On Friday nights, they recently started the "Men of Vegas" show, which featured 6 gorgeous dancers \ strippers. The show was hosted by a drag queen named Kenny Kerr, who was really funny, so we were having a good time. And then, my future husband, performed his solo number dancing to Marilyn Manson's version of Tainted Love. His name was Jade, and he was absolutely fabulous!!! He didn't have huge muscles like some of the other dancers, but his body was perfectly toned. He even had long hair, which I don't typically go for, but it was all good on him. I was so happy that I decided to bring my digital camera with me to record our night out. I totally forgot to bring the extra film cartridge, so I had to sacrifice some strip pictures to make room for Jade. After the show, the dancers stick around for awhile to dance on the bars and such. As I was taking Kara's coat to the coat check, I walked into Jade, which told him in passing that he was "really good". Words really couldn't describe how I felt when I looked at that boy. Perhaps I should have used the word ectasy in my compliments, however my brain only managed to say "really good". I probably sounded like an idiot, but at least I could speak, and I wasn't drooling all over him. On my way back from coat check, I saw Jade dancing on the bar, which he saw me and summoned me up to get some shots. (Okay...twist my arm!) I was up there so fast, I probably knocked some bitches down on the way. It's so much fun to hold your head back into a hot guy to let him pour some drinks down your thought. (Why can't they have that shit in Columbus, Ohio? Or did I just answer my question with my question.) Anyway, I kept on drinking, and Kara and I danced awhile. At one point, we took a break, which Jade got on the block near us and started to shake what his mama gave him...and oh how he could work it! He looked over at me, ran his fingers through his hair, gave me a big smile, and gesstured that he was hot from dancking. All I could think of was...Bitch, you have no idea how hot it is in here!

My obsession with Jade made me think a lot. I would totally love to break away from the boring day-to-day life in Columbus, Ohio to run off to Vegas to dance at Krave. There are just a few minor obstacles. First of all, I need to turn my nasty carcass into a Greek God like Jade. I think that I have the moves to handle the dancing part of the job, but then there's the idea of some nasty guys grabbing up on me. It's fine if they're hot, but I don't want some dried up g-pa all over me. I felt bad that I was a little too intoxicated that night that I grabbed Jade's ass. I guess that's part of the deal, because I definitely gave him a fair share of my cash throughout the night. A lot of questions came to mind that night about the whole situation. I wondered if Jade really was a nice guy when he gave me those beautiful smiles and cute little gesstures, or was he just working it to get some money. If it was the latter, than I guess that I can't blame him. I'd do the same if I was him. Then I thought about what kind of guy he would date. I wish that I would have gotten the chance to talk to him some more. I was curious to know what his real name was, how old he was, and what else he did in Vegas besides dancing at Krave. Perhaps it's better not to know. Sometimes, too much information could ruin the fantasy. Then there's people like Lindsay at work, who told me that he could be straight, because she has a straight male friend who does the same thing. I decided to ignore that idea. She saw what he looked like, so she was just trying to claim him for her side. Thus, my obsession...I mean fantasy...lives on. Maybe one day, I'll meet a hottie like Jade. Until then, I'll keep on dreaming to find that man of my dreams! (Jade, if you're out there, call me.) he he :)

Oh well. I hope that you enjoyed story of my second trip to Las Vegas. It wasn't crazy enough to fit into the category of what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but it was definitely a good time! I purposely decided not to post any pictures of the trip including my multiple pictures of Jade. I wanted you to read this to get mental pictures of your fantasy guy. However, if you're interested in seeing the real deal, then just leave me a comment or two. Ciao!