Italians Do It Better

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Powers That Be...Are Against Me

Alright...first of all, let's get the crazy talk out of the way. (I know, I's me talking...just pretend.) So...there are some evil forces brewing inside my Sony Vaio. I think that it has hypnotized me with it's pretty blue lights, but it's power over me is failing. Everytime that I try to write an e-mail or check out all of your blogs, something goes crazy and won't let me do what I need to do. Hopefully, this post will survive. I better not push it.

Nancy update to the case of the "Not-so-empty birdcage with the plastic butterfly and other stuff that I was too disturbed to find out what it was". Anyway, I decided to take a smoke out back, and the birdcage was gone. Like a bad little Hardy Boy, I was without my notebook, so I wasn't able to sketch the scene. I could just tell you that the birdcage was completely out-of-sight where it had once rested dangerously close between my domain and that of Mr. Dustin's. comes the twist...I went out again to smoke, and it was returned to almost the same spot between our two domains. I'm not sure what to think. I need your guidance, Nancy. I am yet the remains of the Hardy Boy legacy. A split apart without my other half...(where's Demi when you need her)..."And then fire shot down...From the sky in bolts...Like shining blades...Of a knife." Sorry, Miss Hedwig. I shouldn't have put your bra in the dryer. :) (I hope that you're still pretending at this point, because I'm lost myself.)

Anyway, I shall rise like the Phoenix...from the ashes...with Twiggy...and lil' "Lu". (Hi, Lu.) Now...what questions come to mind when you read this mystery?

1. Did the birdcage ever really move? (If not, then I need to remember where I got those cigarettes..."Good times...good times." :)
2. If it did, what was Mr. Dustin doing with it? (I've heard some strange noises coming from his dwelling. Although, I'm sure that he could say the same for me.)
3. Moving on...does it really belong to him? I'm afraid to get rid of it, because it might be something that he cherishes...of course...not so much if it's laying out in the "I-wish-that-I-was-grass" mud pile that we're got going on out back.

So many many suspects...I'll have to start the interrogations immediately. Mr. Dustin is very elusive, so I'll have to work on my stealth.

In the meantime, I know that everyone's been going through a lot lately, and the holidays are another way for those blood-thirsty Christian cults to torture us. So, if any of you want to drink a little vino or something, then give me a call. Cause...always remember that...Italians Do It Better...especially this one. :)

Monday, November 22, 2004

Boy, Interrupted

"People ask, How did you get in there? What they really want to know is if they are likely to end up in there as well. I can't answer the real question. All I can tell them is, It's easy.

And it is easy to slip into a parallel universe. There are so many of them: worlds of the insane, the criminal, the crippled, the dying, perhaps of the dead as well. These worlds exist alongside this world and resemble it, but are not in it."

--Girl, Interrupted Excerpt by Susanna Kaysen.